Kojima was NOT fired

This is why it was a rumor! Kojima was NOT fired!

Donna Burke went on Facebook to apologize to Konami, Kojima and the fans for feeding the misunderstanding info


Well, Hideo Kojima seems like he left on his own accord and the game Silent Hills is still up in the air.
What we think is that Del Toro and Konami is gonna get another creative mind to make this game happen.

Would you mind a Silent Hills game made without Kojima’s direction? Let us know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Kojima was NOT fired

  1. Kevin says:

    Yes he was fired. Konami just made he change her words because they don’t want to look like the bad guy. Changing a employees contract to an independent contractor for the remaining time left to create the game isn’t the same as firing now?

    You are a pathetic excuse for a Journalist If you believe what Konami says.


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